20230919 BFpositions RIS Stran 1

Following the invitation by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Slovenia, the VZMD was happy to respond by submitting comments and suggestions to the proposed package of measures for the 'Retail Investment Strategy (RIS)' published by the European Commission at the end of May. The VZMD President, Mr. Kristjan Verbič, submitted a cover letter in which he expressed his confidence that it is in the common interest for all 'that the package of measures encourages the Slovenian households and society in general to unleash its enormous investment potential to further kick-start the economy, strengthen the capital market, and provide financial security as well as stability that will be sustainable in the long run'. Meanwhile, the associates of the VZMD have been dealing with the RIS and the package of measures for a while now, and on different levels (domestic, European, and broader international levels), which is why the Association was able to submit thoroughly consolidated comments that have been aligned with the sister European associations of investors and the parent European Federation of Investors and Financial Services Users (BETTER FINANCE).


In fact, BETTER FINANCE – with the VZMD as its founding member and Mr. Verbič as a longtime member of its Board of Directors – have prepared comments and suggestions that include informed experiences, cautions, and suggestions made by 40 national organizations of shareholders, investors, and financial services users from every single country of the EU, combining a total of 5 million individual investors. The VZMD associates will discuss the corresponding views, comments, and suggestions in-depth with their European colleagues this week as well, which is why they will submit the final and precise document in the coming days. However, BETTER FINANCE has already submitted the summary of the views to the Permanent Representations of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union, and with it expressed its willingness to meet with the representatives of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Slovenia in order to clarify any open questions.

Furthermore, Mr. Verbič reiterated the opinion on the European Commission's forthcoming Retail Investment Package:https://finance.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2022-11/fsug-opinions-221117-retail-investment-package_en.pdf, prepared by the Financial Services User Group at the European Commission (FSUG), which he is a member of and which has been keeping close tabs on the development of both the Strategy and the Package of measures (RIS).

www.vzmd.si – More on the VZMD – PanSlovenian Stakeholders' Association

www.vzmd.tv and www.investo.tv – Over 300 videos from VZMD.TV and investo.tv

www.investo.si – More on the investo.si – Invest to Slovenia Program

www.investo.international – More on the network of 75 national organizations of shareholders and investors

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