A number of Slovenian companies have excelled as regards innovation and the provision of superior technical solutions right across the telecommunications and IT sectors. Such is not merely a reference to individual projects but to enterprises that are playing a leading role in the development of technologies and solutions on the world stage; they are also - by way of their endeavours - of key significance in the design of strategies and the development of contemporary trends in info-technology.
The network and data storage solutions developed by the Slovenian enterprises are applied by companies the world over, including such prestigious names as Alcatel, Hewlett-Packard, Unisys, Cisco and British Telecom, and thus they feature as critical leading players as regards their respective market niches. Indeed, Southeastern Europe as a whole is particularly strong as regards the provision of IT component solutions as well as the related services.
Those IT-related fields in which the Slovenian enterprises rank among the world's leading solution providers encompass:
- the design and implementation of communications networks
- e-banking
- data backup software
- e-business applications
- IT service provision
- logistics.
Slovenia's two major hardware providers are:
- Insilica
The major telecommunications enterprises are:
- Iskratel
- Mobitel
- Si.Mobil
- Telekom Slovenije
- UPC Telemach
The major exporters in this sector count such multinationals as Microsoft, IBM, HP, SAP and Oracle among their clients.
Sources (accessed on 12 June 2008):