GLG's Wyplosz, Barclays's Callow Discuss ECB Bond Plan (Audio)

GLG's Wyplosz, Barclays's Callow Discuss ECB Bond Plan (Audio)

August 2 (Bloomberg) -- Charles Wyplosz, economist at GLG Consultant, and Julian Callow, chief international economist at Barclays, discuss European Central Bank President Mario Draghi's decision to have the ECB buy bonds to ease the region's debt crisis. Wyplosz and Callow speak with Bloomberg's Carol Massar and Michael McKee on "Bloomberg On the Economy." (Source: Bloomberg)

NYU's Neil Barofsky Discusses New Book `Bailout' (Audio)

NYU's Neil Barofsky Discusses New Book `Bailout' (Audio)

Aug. 8 (Bloomberg) -- Neil Barofsky, senior fellow at New York University School of Law and Bloomberg contributing editor, discusses his new book, "Bailout: An Inside Account of How Washington Abandoned Main Street While Rescuing Wall Street." Barofsky speaks with Bloomberg's Carol Massar and Michael McKee on "Bloomberg On the Economy." (Source: Bloomberg)

BofA's Bartels Sees Volatile Markets in Weeks Ahead (Audio)

BofA's Bartels Sees Volatile Markets in Weeks Ahead (Audio)

Aug. 6 (Bloomberg) -- Mary Ann Bartels, head of technology and market analysis at Bank of America Merrill Lynch & Co., says stock markets will be "a little choppy" over upcoming weeks because "verbal intervention through central banks leads to market volatility." Bartels speaks with Bloomberg's Carol Massar and Michael McKee on "Bloomberg On the Economy." (Source: Bloomberg)

Abate Says Fed Trying to Improve Risk Management (Audio)

Abate Says Fed Trying to Improve Risk Management (Audio)

Aug. 7 (Bloomberg) -- Joe Abate, money-market strategist at Barclays Capital Inc., says the Federal Reserve is trying to improve its risk management in the tri-party repo market to keep investors from fleeing the market when it deteriorates. Abate speaks with Bloomberg's Carol Massar and Michael McKee on "Bloomberg On the Economy." (Source: Bloomberg)

Author Daniel Hamermesh Discusses Book, `Beauty Pays' (Audio)

Author Daniel Hamermesh Discusses Book, `Beauty Pays' (Audio)

August 3 (Bloomberg) -- Daniel Hamermesh, professor of economics at the University of Texas, discusses his book, "Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People Are More Successful." Hamermesh speak with Bloomberg's Carol Massar and Michael McKee on "Bloomberg On the Economy." Bloomberg Rewind's Matt Miller joins the conversation. (Source: Bloomberg)

Vega-Chi's Antoniades on Markets in Last Five Years (Audio)

Vega-Chi's Antoniades on Markets in Last Five Years (Audio)

Aug. 9 (Bloomberg) -- Constantinos Antoniades, chief executive officer and founder of Vega-Chi U.S. Ltd., discusses how the bond market has changed in the past five years. Antoniades speaks with Bloomberg's Carol Massar and Michael McKee on "Bloomberg On the Economy." Bloomberg's U.S. corporate bonds reporter Mary Childs joins the conversation. (Source: Bloomberg)

Nomura's Zentner Says Easing Has a `Limited Impact' (Audio)

Nomura's Zentner Says Easing Has a `Limited Impact' (Audio)

Aug. 6 (Bloomberg) -- Ellen Zentner, senior economist at Nomura Securities, says that Federal Reserve easing measures have a "limited impact" on the economy and unemployment rates, but the Fed still has an "easing bias." Zentner speaks with Bloomberg's Carol Massar and Michael McKee on "Bloomberg On the Economy." (Source: Bloomberg)

Carl Weinberg Discusses Global Economy, China, Japan (Audio)

Carl Weinberg Discusses Global Economy, China, Japan (Audio)

Aug. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Carl Weinberg, chief economist and founder of High Frequency Economics, says the outlook for Japan is negative, as Japanese manufacturers feel extra pressure from surrounding countries in Asia. Weinberg also says that China's situation is "vexing and perplexing," but he is optimistic about growth. Weinberg speaks with Bloomberg's Carol Massar and Michael McKee on "Bloomberg On the Economy." (Source: Bloomberg)

Jim Bianco `Surprised' by S&P 500 Strong Performance (Audio)

Jim Bianco `Surprised' by S&P 500 Strong Performance (Audio)

Aug. 7 (Bloomberg) -- Jim Bianco, president of Bianco Research LLC, is "surprised" that the Standard and Poor's 500 Index is up almost 12 percent this year despite the fact that Europe still has "a lot of problems" and earnings "are not doing well." Bianco speaks with Bloomberg's Carol Massar and Michael McKee on "Bloomberg On the Economy." (Source: Bloomberg)

Pitt Says Markets `Changed Dramatically' Since 2008 (Audio)

Pitt Says Markets `Changed Dramatically' Since 2008 (Audio)

Aug. 10 (Bloomberg) -- Harvey Pitt, chief executive officer of Kalorama Partners LLC and former chairman of the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission, says that markets have "changed dramatically" since the start of the financial crisis five years ago, and in some respects the markets are better off, but in other ways, worse. Pitt speaks with Bloomberg's Carol Massar and Michael McKee on "Bloomberg On the Economy." (Source: Bloomberg)
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