Takeover Panel urged to consider M&A pension toll

Takeover Panel urged to consider M&A pension toll

Mon, 30 May 2011 21:46:16 GMT

Pension scheme representatives are pressing the independent body to force acquiring companies to clarify how their offer will affect a target company's retirement plan

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Low rates pressure US money market funds

Low rates pressure US money market funds

Mon, 30 May 2011 17:40:46 GMT

US money market funds are struggling to make returns after short-term interest rates fell to record lows in the wake of regulatory changes and a big decline in Treasury bill issuance

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Increase in cost of capital will lead to higher bank fees

Increase in cost of capital will lead to higher bank fees

Tue, 31 May 2011 01:10:01 GMT

From Mr George Ravich. Sir, With all the benefits that Basel III will bring in terms of making the banking industry better capitalised and lowering the risk of another meltdown, it could also bring other unintended consequences

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Seoul vows tougher foreign bank scrutiny

Seoul vows tougher foreign bank scrutiny

Tue, 31 May 2011 12:47:24 GMT

South Korean regulators warn HSBC and Crédit Agricole over their currency derivatives trading and asks them to punish employees involved in illegal activities by reducing their pay

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